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August 30, 2024


Entitled. The dictionary defines it as “Believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.” I’m sitting in the airport yesterday on my way back to Arizona. I look around and see sandwich wrappers left on tables and napkins crunched up. All within just a few steps of a trash can. I can hear that inner voice in the head of the perpetrator,” No, no, no, someone ELSE will take care of this. After all, I’m superior!” Where did this come from, and how did this happen? When did we become a society of “Someone else will do that for me?” […]
August 23, 2024


Does anyone really believe that when Steve Jobs created the iPhone, he intended for them to be used the way they are being used today? Did Jobs want 10-year-old kids (and younger) having such easy access to the internet and everything on it? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a tech guy. I understand it and use it more than most. But our kids should simply not have this kind of access. Should our kids be able to see the horrors of war, assassination attempts, and other deeply concerning things online when their brains are not yet fully developed? Of course […]
August 16, 2024

Own the Mistake.

Your clients become your best friends. “I need to take five minutes to talk business with you,” Tom said. “I’ve got this large amount of money coming in, as you know, in the next six months. We have talked about alternatives for this money, but I haven’t seen anything from you on it,” he continued. I listened intently. “Our relationship is a 9.5 out of 10. You are amazing. You introduced me to the flight service. The car leasing company. You have always delivered when I needed you on wires and done any analysis I have needed. But you know, JD, […]
August 9, 2024

Tremendous Guilt.

I have tremendous guilt. A dear friend and client passed away three weeks ago. He was young, smart. Too young, died of a heart attack. As a good friend, I grieve the loss. But as his financial advisor, I feel the guilt of not doing enough. Maybe I didn’t push him enough to secure his family’s future and buy life insurance. His death has had a profound effect on me. It’s not just the feeling of mortality, but that I could have and should have done more, pushed more. But I didn’t. And I have never been known not to […]
August 2, 2024

The Real Gift

What is it about aging that’s so scary? The idea that maturing is something we should fear? I know this concept is extremely frightening to me. I have so many reservations: Did I do enough? How have I spent my time? Did I reach my potential, or at least come close? And did I spend my life focusing on what’s most important? Most of the friends don’t live in the same city or even state as me. Even when I lived in California, my friends have always been in other places, spread out. This is due to my business background […]
July 26, 2024

Don’t Succumb.

Monday started out challenging. Cases were not moving along as fast as I would like, and clients were not moving or responding as quickly as one would hope. I found myself thinking how tough this business can be sometimes. Several years ago, on one of my many trips to Washington, D.C. for AALU, I went with a close personal friend, Paul. Paul had done two tours in Vietnam as a Ranger. He had become very successful and built an incredible business for himself and his family. He told me stories of his time in Vietnam and the many things he […]
July 19, 2024

Independence or Intra-dependence?

Independence. What does that word really mean? After all, none of us become successful on our own. It’s always a team effort. We all have mentors, or someone that gave us a hand along the way. Sure, you can invent something or create something or even be first. But seldom is it ONLY you that was responsible for that success. Intra-dependence, I believe, is a more accurate word. The idea is that independence is born with the need to depend on others, the need to have others on your team. The alchemy comes when we trust someone else and know that they […]
July 12, 2024

The (Actual) Truth

Here is an actual quote from Business Insider a few weeks ago: “Recession indicator ends as cardboard box demand, prices rise: B of A.” Yes, that was an actual headline. It’s no wonder why people don’t know what the heck to believe anymore! If cardboard box prices are a recession indicator, please save us all! Disinformation and misinformation are a profound problem today. With AI, this problem will likely get worse. Everything is a spin. Everything is clickbait. The goal is attention, not truth. And yet, consumers and voters need facts more than ever. How sad is it that we […]
July 5, 2024

The Easy Stuff.

Table steaks. I heard that term recently, and it means “What everybody already has or is doing.” The low-hanging fruit. Busy work is not work. Never having that difficult conversation. A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Cardio burns the same amounts of calories as lifting weights BUT it depends on the time of day, workout, and body type… or you can just sweat. This is all the easy stuff. I have heard the statement “Get the low hanging fruit,” so often in business. “Go after that,” some would say. I would submit that the easy stuff, the “low hanging fruit,” […]
July 1, 2024

June 2024 Market & Economic Recap

Stock Market Friday, June 28th, the last trading day of the month, marked the midway point of 2024 for the U.S. stock market. In the first half of the year, stocks flourished, touching all-time highs. For the first six months of 2024, the stock market’s three major indices performed as follows: Nasdaq +18.1% S&P 500 + 14.5% The Dow +3.8% And to recap June, the stock market’s three major indices performed as follows: Nasdaq: +6% S&P 500 +3.5% The Dow +1.1% It was the seventh positive month out of eight for all three indices.     Inflation The Fed may […]
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