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August 25, 2022

Get up and walk away.

It was 2001. I was 24 years old, made half-a-million dollars the year before and business was getting better and better. Most people would say that I was a success by some standard. Although I’d tried to stay in school, it wasn’t for me. I just wasn’t a student even though I’d tried mightily, spending 1995 through 2000 in school. I was working while I was a student, of course, and working hard at both. I remember getting a call from my Grandmother, “Hey honey, how are things?” “Pretty good,” I replied. “Super busy with everything and trying to keep up.” “Your […]
August 18, 2022

Jenny called.

“Jenny called me and said she loved you,” my client wrote to me. He’d emailed just to give me feedback after referring me a potential new client. “She said you were great and exactly what she was looking for.” There’s no better way to end the day than with an email with that news. I typed my reply, “Well, I hope she decides to become a client.” I sent my email. Within moments, I received one back from my client that simply said, “She will.” This very dear client connected me with a celebrity in New York. She’s a household name […]
August 11, 2022

Success comes in many different packages.

The definition of ‘success’ is so different for different people. For one person, a banner year in sales would be a reason to quit the industry for others. The owner of a budding $ 10 million company may feel far more successful than the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar firm who just saw their stock falter. A personal best at the gym or on a cycle ride may look way different for you than it does for someone else. And personal fulfillment Since the entire notion of success is so subjective and personal, how can we even measure it? How do […]
August 4, 2022

You are what you think

Of course, you’ve heard the old fitness adage, “You are what you eat.” Those words certainly ring true if you’re over forty and try to keep up with a subpar diet by hitting the gym extra hard! Well, I believe that you are what you THINK, too. Quite simply, our thoughts become our reality. Of course, this isn’t an original or even new proposition. People have understood this concept intuitively and then in the nascent fields of positive thinking and psychology for a century or more, leading poet Ralph Waldo Emerson to once say, “You are what you think all […]
August 3, 2022

July 2022 Market & Economic Recap

Stock Market July saw a reversal of fortune in the stock market, which posted its best month since 2020. For July, the major stock indices performed as follows: Dow Jones +6.73% S&P 500 +9.11% Nasdaq Composite +12.35% Some context to those notable gains: That was the S&P 500’s biggest increase since November 2020, The Nasdaq’s biggest monthly gain since April 2020, And the Dow’s biggest monthly gain since November of 2020 as well. In July, 86% of stocks in the S&P 500 saw increases. July’s gains for the Nasdaq broke a three-month losing streak. Big winners Amazon stock ended the […]
July 29, 2022

Have Their Backs – 30s: Rodney Glassman for Attorney General

Rodney Glassman for Attorney General     In the race for Attorney General, police and firefighters across Arizona are supporting Rodney Glassman. Police answer our call. Let’s answer theirs. Donate today:
July 21, 2022

Do you choose to see the painting or the wall?

When you look in the mirror, do you see the person you always wanted to be? For most people, the answer is a resounding “no.” They don’t see a version of themselves that’s even close to reaching their potential. You fall short. You’re imperfect. You have so many flaws. And the more you focus on those perceived negative qualities, the more unhappy and unfulfilled you seem to be. The first thing we see when we inspect the human being in front of us is flaws, imperfections, and shortcomings. But you’re not alone because that’s just human nature. In fact, studies […]
July 14, 2022

Two lessons in personal accountability.

This morning a client fired me. This morning, a client fired me. It wasn’t for anything I did, or anything I didn’t do for that matter. Instead, he told me that he simply wanted to go in a different direction, which is totally fine. At the end of our face-to-face meeting today, he thanked me for my years of commitment and work. He told me that he really values our friendship and wants to keep it that way in the future even. As we discussed the reason for his decision, he said that even though we did not always agree on […]
July 7, 2022

Two phone calls.

Two phone calls. Two different people. Two totally different needs. “Hey man, how are things?”  I asked. “Not great right now,” he said. “Why? What’s going on with you? Is everything ok?” My friend paused and sighed before replying, “My dad went in for his normal check-up. But when they did his blood work, they noticed his white blood cells were extremely low. So, they tested him, and he has an aggressive form of leukemia.” I offered what few words of consolation I could. “My mom is a mess. I don’t know what to think.” We talked a while longer. I listened, mostly saying nothing. […]
July 6, 2022

June 2022 Economic and Market Recap

Stock market For the month of June, the major U.S. stock indices performed as follows: Dow Jones -6.71% S&P500 -8.39% Nasdaq -8.71% Despite a positive trading day on July 1st, all three indices posted their fourth negative week out of five. In fact, the first six months of 2022 have seen a historical amount of red for Wall Street, with the worst losses through the first half of 2022 since the first six months of 1970. At the halfway mark of 2022, the S&P 500 was down about 20.58%, the Nasdaq 100 down 29.51%, and the Dow was down 15.3% […]
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