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February 15, 2022

Positive or negative? Simply choose.

Why is it easier to focus on what we don’t have than be grateful for what we do have? When staring at a glass that’s half full, why do we sometimes instead see it as half empty? We’re all guilty of this at times, but some go on to make it their calling card. When left unchecked, that negativity becomes the filter through which we see the world. Soon, we’re left doubting ourselves and feel like we’re falling short, no matter how far along we are in our journey. Sound familiar? If you’ve ever found yourself thinking about who you […]
February 12, 2022

The power of commitments.

No. I do not feel like it! I just wanted to order room service, turn on the TV, and sink into the bed. It had been a long day, and the last thing I wanted to do was start exercising. But there I was, sitting in my hotel room, staring at the dumbbells in front of me on the floor. I’d brought them with me from home on this work trip. Admittedly, most people don’t bring their own weights when traveling or just use the hotel gym. But this was part of my goal to work out at least four […]
February 10, 2022

The reward of surrounding yourself with the right people.

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of spending time with several of my colleagues. Each one of them is from a different part of the country, and some of them are from different countries altogether. We each have different temperaments, talents, and convictions. I took several things away from our time together, talking, and getting to know each other even further. But the one thing that I appreciated the most was how we each got to where we are in life. In many ways, we each followed a different path. But all paths led to the same place: success. Of course, we […]
February 4, 2022

Your January 2022 Market & Economic Recap

Stocks In January 2022, the stock market saw some of its biggest declines in almost two years and even brief movement into correction territory. For the month: The S&P 500 was down 5.3%. Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 3.3%. Nasdaq Composite down 8.9%. That was the S&P 500’s worst month since March of 2020 when it saw a 12.5% decline. It was also Nasdaq’s worst month since March 20202. However, while starting the month with a swoon, stocks rebounded in the final days and continued a healthy recovery in February. Index prices are still more than 90% recovered from their […]
January 27, 2022

Why is change so painful?

It’s 2002, and I’m moving out of my apartment and into my first condo. I was going to be a homeowner for the first time, paying an unthinkable sum (at the time) if $601,000. I had never owned property before, and the stress and emotions that come with that huge life step were all crashing down on me. After all, I was comfortable in my apartment – and in my life. But I also felt it was the right time. So many people I knew were also taking the leap of faith into “adulting,” so it just seemed like the […]
January 20, 2022

I have many regrets in my life.

I have many regrets in my life. But perhaps the biggest regret is around my father. He and I never had much of a relationship, but towards the end of his life, after locating him and getting him off the streets, I simply didn’t want much to do with him. After all, why should I? Where was he when I was young? Or when I needed him? Now, looking back, that decision pains me. After all, we never know when it will be the last time we have the chance to spend time or see someone. My father loved only […]
January 15, 2022

What’s the meaning of life? That’s an easy one.

What’s the meaning of life? That’s the question that’s echoed through the ages, stumping the greatest philosophers, scholars, and holy men alike through the millennia. But, to me, the answer is easy. The meaning of life is to find your gift. That’s it. Since we crossed that off the list of eternally unanswerable questions, let’ keep going. When it comes to your life’s work, your task is to develop that gift. And the purpose of life? That’s to share your gift. Meaning, purpose, and life’s work, all relating to your gifts. Now, the hard part: how can we achieve those […]
January 7, 2022

The game is mostly mental.

He must be cheating. No one can ride Peloton with that resistance for that long. That output cannot be right! While he pedaled smoothly, controlled his breathing like a well-oiled machine, I couldn’t even move the pedals at that rate. Sure, he was a collegiate athlete and runner, but that shouldn’t matter much now, right? No, there’s no way that can be right. There’s no way! But the fact remained: He is in better shape than me, the output was right, and he wasn’t cheating, of course. So, I asked my good buddy, who was barely breaking a sweat as […]
January 7, 2022

Your December 2021 Market & Economic Recap

  Jobs and Unemployment December’s job report was a pleasant surprise when just released a few days ago, far surpassing expectations and estimates. According to private payroll firm ADP, employers added 807,000 jobs in December 2021, an exceedingly strong finish to 2021. Previous estimates anticipated only 360,000 jobs to be added in December, less than half of the actual true number of hiring. December’s 807,000 new hires also blew past November’s strong 534,000 additions. The biggest job gains were seen by the service sector (+669,000 jobs) and among larger firms (+389,000). At the time of this writing, the Labor Department […]
December 30, 2021

Always look forward, never back.

Reflection is so important in life. If nothing else, the ceremonial renewing of our resolutions at the end of every year serves that invaluable purpose. Reflection also allows us to collect the lessons we’ve learned throughout the year and vow never to forget them. And while new year’s resolutions are often discarded all-too-soon, one way we can internalize the quest to improve our lives is to focus on continuous improvement. So, this year, I’m dedicated to the mantra of RELENTLESS FORWARD MOMENTUM. What does that mean? I endeavor to become the best version of me. I honor to be resilient […]
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