The passage of time gets more real every year.
So, this year, I decided to take good care of my health. That led me to seek out every medical exam under the sun, from a standard physical exam to extensive blood work, and even the dreaded colonoscopy – the works!
For anyone that knows me, this is a big deal as I am NOT one to get sick or go to doctors.
But, at 47, I want to make sure I will be here for another 47.
As I reflect on that, on the age of my children, the age of my mother and extended family, I cannot help but think “Were did all the time go?”
Like, how is it possible that I am going into the 30th year of my career? How is it that my daughter is 11 my son 9?
It seems like just yesterday I was only 25.
As I think more about this (and the holidays have a way of evoking this trip down memory lane for me), it has become more important to reflect on all these years; on all the great experiences, the challenges, all of it.
At some point, it all stops. That much is inevitable. We don’t know when, but we do know it will come to an end.
So, I focus on choosing to enjoy each day. Every minute of the holidays. The times with friends and family.
Try and be present to those in your life. Listen a little more and talk a little less.
Most importantly, enjoy and reflect on the years behind and prepare for the years ahead.
And go take good care of your health – it’s the only thing we can control to make sure we’re around as long as possible for those we love!