“Thanks for the talk, JD,” Gary, a longtime client, said. “We are so appreciative for everything you do for our family.”
“I echo Gary. It’s reassuring to know we are in good hands,” Joy, Gary’s wife, added.
And another one…
“Hello, friends,” said Carol, a mutual friend. “Jeremy meet Tanya, and Tanya meet Jeremy. As discussed, Jeremy is the financial advisor that has changed my life and who has connected me with the best of the best. ‘Would love for you guys to connect too.”
This is what it should be about – positively impacting the lives of those around us, always.
‘Recognizing the effort of those who do a great job and being that person who puts them together, solely for the benefit of others.
Now, we can’t always be perfect. But we can try. We can put what other people need in front instead of far down our list, give our very best effort with the best of intentions.
Last night, I got home for a long day. ‘Lots of talking and just a long day of work.
But instead of telling my wife how much I appreciated the work she had done with the kids and the house, I focused on the fact that things weren’t put away and that the dog had gotten into the trash.
Should I have felt that way? Perhaps? Possibly not?
But my response was definitely not the method I should have used. The quality or stress of my day should not impact others poorly, especially not my family.
Feelings don’t always mean that our response is justified or even warranted. It’s somewhat selfish to walk into a room, and the energy drops or the mood sours just because of our presence.
Try to keep the other person in mind. Shift your mindset from yourself to those around you. Pay attention. Notice things.
Give them your time, your ear, and your love.
After all, you never know what they are going through.
Compassion is always the answer.
Acknowledge the good and work on yourself to address the challenges and frustrations.
Focus on the positive.
Choose to do what is right.
‘All very difficult things to do, but well worth the effort!