I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships recently.
Specifically, I’ve been reflecting on friendships and business acquiantances from my past that I no longer have today.
Some of them ended for good reason. Others just because they seemingly ran their course.
But I was reminded that things do end.
Not everything is forever – nor should it be.
While it is important to reflect and mourn the past, I also believe that it is extremely important to acknowledge the mistakes one makes along the way. We (and I) need to own those mistakes – and expect the same in return.
After all, not everything is my fault. Nor is it there’s.
Disappointment can set in, frustration. Those feelings of “missing out” or “what if” are hard to ignore.
That said, all things change. All things grow or die. Evolution is nature’s preferred state.
We are not the same person we were in high school, ten years ago, or even last year, so how could our relationships possibly be the same?
All we can do is be in the moment and appreciate those people in your life today. Tell them you love them, that you appreciate them. Be there for them. Listen.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and relationships will probably come and go.
So, as we close out yet another week (in what has felt like the fastest year in my life!), I choose to focus on the following:
How about you?