“Making everybody a winner means nobody has to learn from losing. And let me tell you, losing is what makes winning fantastic.”
“Removing the struggles, the failure, and the barriers does two things in the long run: It weakens people, and it takes away the meaning of joy from their lives…”
“Life has more discomfort than comfort. But that’s what makes the highs of life feel so fantastic.”
These are small excerpts from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s weekly blog.
I love his perspective.
I also can’t help to think that some of what we are seeing in society today is due to making things too easy.
Maybe handing out all those participation trophies has come back to bite us!?
It seems like there’s no real feeling of challenge or consequence for one’s behavior anymore;
no real understanding of what you must do to be the best: the fight, the struggle, the fortitude to overcome.
It’s so much easier to yell into a megaphone while wearing a mask than it is to actually do the work and understanding the issues. Where are the solutions?
Look, life is not easy. These are not easy times, and there will certainly be more difficult ones ahead.
You may be experiencing some of that now.
God knows I do, more often than not.
But at the end of the day, I CHOOSE to focus on the following:
Win the day, then the week, then the month, and, ultimately, the year.
Do the absolute best you can with what you have and what’s facing you at this very moment.
Don’t overthink it.
After all, the answer is probably right in front of you!