Have you ever called someone that you thought you had a good relationship with, only to not have them never return the call at all?
Call after call. Months after months, they never call back or even respond.
But finally, Joshua called me back.
“Dude, where have you been?” I answered the phone when I saw his name on my caller ID. “I thought either I was getting fired or would have to pay a death claim!”
“I am so sorry, Jeremy,” he said. “I know I’ve owed you a call for a while now.”
I assured him that I was relieved to hear from him, and he went on.
“My brother died in February. Massive heart attack. He was only 40 years old, a couple of days shy of his 41st birthday.”
“I know we have some life insurance on him, and I know we tried to get more. He just would not get his health straightened out, and now the business and my two other brothers are left to figure this whole thing out,” Joshua said while weeping.
I offered my condolences. ‘Listened. ‘Let him unburden.
“I am here for you with whatever you need,” I said. “What can I do to help you and your family?”
“Thankfully, we did what we did with you, and we will be ok,” said Joshua. “It’s not perfect, but ok. The hard part is walking by his office every day and still seeing the Dr. Pepper can on his desk. I just can’t bring myself to throw it away.”
You never know what life will throw at you.
You can never plan for everything.
The only constant is change, the unexpected.
But you can plan.
You can help others plan and do the best they can.
After a nice conversation with Joshua and promising each other to communicate more, I was left with one echoing thought: This is not about me.
It never will be. I am here to help others, and that’s why I love what I do, why I’m so passionate about safeguarding and protecting others as much as I can.
You never know what other people are going through – what is going on with them behind their silence.
So, don’t assume.
Keep calling.
Keep trying.
Just be there.