“I’m not so sure about this market,” Tom said. “What do you think? And how should I be feeling?”
“The market is the market,” I replied. “My crystal ball broke yesterday!”
My longtime client, sitting across from me, laughed.
“That being said, things will continue as they are,” I went on. “Rest assured that we are here with you and doing everything possible to make sure you are protected.”
He nodded, visibly relieved.
“But what you have to ask yourself is when do you need this money?” I continued. “No one likes seeing losses or a decline in portfolio value. But, then again, if you needed the money tomorrow, you wouldn’t have invested it.”
Tom then looked me in the eyes and said, “I knew you would say that! I just wanted you to say that in front of me and in person.”
I agreed, as there’s still no substitute for sitting down with someone and being 100% present to listen and connect.
I’d say it’s become increasingly valuable in our tech-driven, 1,000-miles-per-hour world.
“It’s been too long,” Tom went on with a reassuring smile. “You have a way of keeping me on target, and I needed that today.”
People want to feel heard and want to be seen.
Tom is an older client. Zoom or Teams just simply don’t cut it for him.
But still, when I search for constructive criticism and ways to improve within our conversation, the “It has been too long” comment stings.
I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.
Look, everyone has their own personal definition of how often they need and want to hear your voice, be taken to lunch, or get that phone call.
But clients, friends, colleagues, and members of your team NEED to see you, hear you, and feel your presence for those relationships to remain intact.
It takes the human touch to nurture those relationships, giving them the water and light to grow into what they truly should be.
The relationship needs to come first, built on honesty and trust. (Without that, incessant follow up is just harassment!)
But then, accountability will keep it moving in the right direction.
Who do you need to reach out to today to keep that happening?