Jerry Seinfeld said recently at a college commencement speech something that really resonated with me.
“Focus on becoming, not having,” the iconic comedian said, addressing the crowd of young, eager graduates. “Having will come as a function of focusing on what you become.”
That’s pretty incredible advice.
So, as we start 2025, I encourage you to focus on working towards on becoming who and what you want – the best version of you.
It’s so interesting to me; we all start the year the same way. Gyms are packed. Dry January. Save more and do better with money.
All these ambitious goals we commit to just because the calendar flips and we want a different outcome.
When in fact, it’s all just a distraction from the truth; becoming the ideal version of yourself is a year-round endeavor. It takes a lifetime, really!
So, clarify. Focus. Take the first step. It may not be perfect, but you can do it.
Stop thinking about the wrong stuff. Instead, conc
Can’t handle alcohol? Don’t drink.
Feel out of shape? Make better eating decisions and move your body more.
Unhappy with life? Get introspective, tough honesty. Ask yourself if it’s you, the people you are around, or the choices you are making.
For me, the theme this year is the above. I’m focusing on becoming. The having always has worked itself out and always will.
Becoming is all about those little decisions. The ones that really matter.
The ones that add up to a life well lived.