Geese fly in tight v-formations.
I read that the geese in the rear of the formation, cruising in the backdraft, only have to work 70-80 percent as hard as the leaders. The whole flock can travel much farther and achieve more by staying together and in formation, true teamwork.
Racecar drivers, cyclists, and even runners know this well and use it to their advantage. Leaders always work the hardest – and risk the most.
What we all choose to be in life, business, friendship, or even in our relationships is OUR choice. Do we lead from the front, work harder, and make things smoother and easier for others? Do we put the team first?
Or do we just cruise, extending only 80 percent of the effort and energy on the backs of others?
The leader is taking the risk that something said or done may alter the state of business or of a relationship. The leader is okay with that and even embraces the additional responsibility. Good, bad, or challenging, they are ok.
The cruiser, hanging on to that backdraft, may not be ready to accept that role.
I don’t think either one is wrong or bad, but I do believe that we ALL need to make the decision on who we are going to be.
For me, the decision is simple.
I am willing to take that risk. I am willing to do the extra work. I accept the responsibility and even see it as a privilege.
Look, leadership is certainly not for everyone. Lord knows there have been many missteps along the way.
But seeing others benefit and grow from what I’ve learned along the way, being able to share the journey, is incredibly rewarding.